False Unicorn
(Chamaelireum luteum)
Also know as Blazing star
Botanical Information
A one to four feet erect plant of wet places of the eastern U.S. with basal leaves and long, slender spikes of small cream-colored flowers.
Working with False Unicorn
Part(s) Used
Herb Forms
Tincture, bulk herb.
False unicorn root is an excellent female tonic–an ovarian adaptogen–which can be taken long-term in small doses (20-30 drops 2-3 x daily) and is used for painful menstruation, amenorrhea, threatened abortion, and morning sickness. It is also indicated for leukorrea and uterine prolapse as well as being valuable during menopause. False unicorn root can be helpful for low sex drive associated with congested energy and blood in the sexual organs. It may be useful for poor appetite and for bladder conditions, such as frequent urination (especially during the night), due to pelvic congestion.
False Unicorn has a taste of BITTER, ACRID and a temperature of WARM.
Avoid during pregnancy. May cause gastrointestinal irritation in large doses.
Conditions treated with False Unicorn
Treatment Support
The information given here is designed to help you make informed choices about your health. The information is drawn from numerous sources—both traditional medicine practice, from the clinical experience of many herbalists currently practicing, and supported by decades of scientific research from the author. The research most consulted includes human clinical trials that help to determine the most effective and safe herbs for various needs, the best doses, and types of preparations.
The information offered in this database is not intended as a substitute for any that may have been prescribed by your health practitioner or physician.