Partridge Berry
(Mitchella repens)
Also know as Squawvine
Botanical Information
An evergreen perennial from the shady woods of the eastern U.S. with trailing roots and opposite leaves, white flowers, and red berries. A member of the Madder family.
Working with Partridge Berry
Part(s) Used
Herb Forms
Tincture, capsule, bulk herb.
Partridge berry is one of the best-known herbs for readying the uterus for childbirth. It was considered by the Eclectics to increase the nervous tone of the uterus, taken during the final 2 months of pregnancy in preparation for childbirth and to facilitate labor. Partridge berry is also used as a preventative for threatened miscarriage. As a uterine relaxant, it is useful for both amenorrhea and painful periods. Naturopathic doctors have recommended it for prostatic enlargement with difficult urination in men who are mostly sedentary in habit.
To make a light decoction add about 4 grams of the herb to 4 ounces of water, simmer for a few minutes, steep for an additional 10 minutes, strain, and drink 4 ounces 2-3 x daily.
Partridge berry has a taste of BITTER, ASTRINGENT and a temperature of COOL.
None noted.
Conditions treated with Partridge Berry
Treatment Support
Treatment Support
uterine tonic
tea or tincture before birth under advice of your herbalis
The information given here is designed to help you make informed choices about your health. The information is drawn from numerous sources—both traditional medicine practice, from the clinical experience of many herbalists currently practicing, and supported by decades of scientific research from the author. The research most consulted includes human clinical trials that help to determine the most effective and safe herbs for various needs, the best doses, and types of preparations.
The information offered in this database is not intended as a substitute for any that may have been prescribed by your health practitioner or physician.